diff options
authortv <>2021-11-20 15:46:09 +0100
committerGitHub <>2021-11-20 15:46:09 +0100
commit13ae434b140035e7e2664bd5a8ef4c475413b2e0 (patch)
parentb78e4d5a925d2987b52b33e98c3aeae12c41d019 (diff)
parent9fc8cbf8e826d4c8a118f37202ab3f335341082a (diff)
Merge pull request #35 from erikarvstedt/fix-ssh-port
target: use default port from SSH config
6 files changed, 78 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d696c5e..d868768 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ krops is a lightweight toolkit to deploy NixOS systems, remotely or locally.
## Some Features
- store your secrets in [password store](
-- build your system remotely
+- build your systems remotely
- minimal overhead (it's basically just `nixos-rebuild switch`!)
- run from custom nixpkgs branch/checkout/fork
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Create a file named `krops.nix` (name doesn't matter) with following content:
krops = (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchgit {
url =;
- rev = "v1.17.0";
- sha256 = "150jlz0hlb3ngf9a1c9xgcwzz1zz8v2lfgnzw08l3ajlaaai8smd";
+ rev = "v1.25.0";
+ sha256 = "07mg3iaqjf1w49vmwfchi7b1w55bh7rvsbgicp2m47gnj9alwdb6";
lib = import "${krops}/lib";
@@ -185,6 +185,10 @@ pkgs.krops.writeCommand "deploy-with-swap" {
[see `writeDeploy`](#writeDeploy)
+### `allocateTTY` (optional, defaults to false)
+whether the ssh session should do a pseudo-terminal allocation.
+sets `-t` on the ssh command.
## Source Types
@@ -206,13 +210,15 @@ using [`rsync`](
Supported attributes:
* `path` -
- absolute path to files that should by transfered
+ absolute path to files that should by transferred.
* `useChecksum` (optional) -
boolean that controls whether file contents should be checked to decide
whether a file has changed. This is useful when `path` points at files
with mangled timestamps, e.g. the Nix store.
+ The default value is `true` if `path` is a derivation, and `false` otherwise.
* `filters` (optional)
List of filters that should be passed to [`rsync`](
Filters are specified as attribute sets with the attributes `type` and
diff --git a/ci.nix b/ci.nix
index 258a4e6..c57f4d7 100644
--- a/ci.nix
+++ b/ci.nix
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ let
pkgs = import "${krops}/pkgs" {};
source = lib.evalSource [{
- nixos-config.file = toString (pkgs.writeText "nixos-config" ''
+ nixos-config.file = pkgs.writeText "nixos-config" ''
{ pkgs, ... }: {
fileSystems."/" = { device = "/dev/sda1"; };
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ let
services.openssh.enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.git ];
- '');
+ '';
nixpkgs.symlink = toString <nixpkgs>;
in {
diff --git a/lib/default.nix b/lib/default.nix
index 357f5b5..3bbd754 100644
--- a/lib/default.nix
+++ b/lib/default.nix
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ let {
elemAt' = xs: i: if lib.length xs > i then lib.elemAt xs i else null;
filterNull = lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v != null);
in {
- user = lib.getEnv "LOGNAME";
+ user = lib.maybeEnv "LOGNAME" null;
host = lib.maybeEnv "HOSTNAME" (lib.maybeHostName "localhost");
- port = "22";
+ port = null;
path = "/var/src";
sudo = false;
extraOptions = [];
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ let {
path = elemAt' parse 6;
} else s);
+ mkUserPortSSHOpts = target:
+ (lib.optionals (target.user != null) ["-l" target.user]) ++
+ (lib.optionals (target.port != null) ["-p" target.port]);
shell = let
isSafeChar = lib.testString "[-+./0-9:=A-Z_a-z]";
quoteChar = c:
diff --git a/lib/types/populate.nix b/lib/types/populate.nix
index 894b8cc..18b5cd8 100644
--- a/lib/types/populate.nix
+++ b/lib/types/populate.nix
@@ -21,11 +21,15 @@
file = lib.mkOption {
apply = x:
- if lib.types.absolute-pathname.check x
+ if lib.types.absolute-pathname.check x || lib.types.package.check x
then { path = x; }
else x;
default = null;
- type = lib.types.nullOr (lib.types.either lib.types.absolute-pathname source-types.file);
+ type = lib.types.nullOr (lib.types.oneOf [
+ lib.types.absolute-pathname
+ lib.types.package
+ source-types.file
+ ]);
git = lib.mkOption {
default = null;
diff --git a/pkgs/krops/default.nix b/pkgs/krops/default.nix
index 8336b51..7fe8370 100644
--- a/pkgs/krops/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/krops/default.nix
@@ -4,20 +4,14 @@ in
{ nix, openssh, populate, writers }: rec {
- build = target:
- runShell target (lib.concatStringsSep " " [
- "nix build"
- "-I ${lib.escapeShellArg target.path}"
- "--no-link -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>'"
- ""
- ]);
rebuild = args: target:
- runShell target "nixos-rebuild -I ${lib.escapeShellArg target.path} ${
+ runShell target {} "nixos-rebuild -I ${lib.escapeShellArg target.path} ${
lib.concatMapStringsSep " " lib.escapeShellArg args
- runShell = target: command:
+ runShell = target: {
+ allocateTTY ? false
+ }: command:
command' = if target.sudo then "sudo ${command}" else command;
@@ -26,9 +20,8 @@ in
writers.writeDash "krops.${}.${lib.firstWord command}" ''
exec ${openssh}/bin/ssh ${lib.escapeShellArgs (lib.flatten [
- (lib.optionals (target.user != "") ["-l" target.user])
- "-p" target.port
- "-T"
+ (lib.mkUserPortSSHOpts target)
+ (if allocateTTY then "-t" else "-T")
@@ -38,6 +31,7 @@ in
command ? (targetPath: "echo ${targetPath}"),
backup ? false,
force ? false,
+ allocateTTY ? false,
}: let
@@ -46,14 +40,14 @@ in
writers.writeDash name ''
set -efu
${populate { inherit backup force source; target = target'; }}
- ${runShell target' (command target'.path)}
+ ${runShell target' { inherit allocateTTY; } (command target'.path)}
writeDeploy = name: {
backup ? false,
buildTarget ? null,
crossDeploy ? false,
- fast ? false,
+ fast ? null,
force ? false,
@@ -64,26 +58,24 @@ in
else lib.mkTarget buildTarget;
target' = lib.mkTarget target;
- writers.writeDash name ''
- set -efu
- ${lib.optionalString (buildTarget' != target')
- (populate { inherit backup force source; target = buildTarget'; })}
- ${populate { inherit backup force source; target = target'; }}
- ${lib.optionalString (! fast) ''
- ${rebuild ["dry-build"] buildTarget'}
- ${build buildTarget'}
- ''}
- ${rebuild ([
- "switch"
- ] ++ lib.optionals crossDeploy [
- "--no-build-nix"
- ] ++ lib.optionals (buildTarget' != target') [
- "--build-host" "${buildTarget'.user}@${buildTarget'.host}"
- "--target-host" "${target'.user}@${target'.host}"
- ] ++ lib.optionals target'.sudo [
- "--use-remote-sudo"
- ]) buildTarget'}
- '';
+ lib.traceIf (fast != null) "writeDeploy: it's now always fast, setting the `fast` attribute is deprecated and will be removed in future" (
+ writers.writeDash name ''
+ set -efu
+ ${lib.optionalString (buildTarget' != target')
+ (populate { inherit backup force source; target = buildTarget'; })}
+ ${populate { inherit backup force source; target = target'; }}
+ ${rebuild ([
+ "switch"
+ ] ++ lib.optionals crossDeploy [
+ "--no-build-nix"
+ ] ++ lib.optionals (buildTarget' != target') [
+ "--build-host" "${buildTarget'.user}@${buildTarget'.host}"
+ "--target-host" "${target'.user}@${target'.host}"
+ ] ++ lib.optionals target'.sudo [
+ "--use-remote-sudo"
+ ]) buildTarget'}
+ ''
+ );
writeTest = name: {
backup ? false,
diff --git a/pkgs/populate/default.nix b/pkgs/populate/default.nix
index 517b12e..bf6f76d 100644
--- a/pkgs/populate/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/populate/default.nix
@@ -45,10 +45,21 @@ let
pop.file = target: source: let
- configAttrs = ["useChecksum" "exclude" "filters" "deleteExcluded"];
- config = filterAttrs (name: _: elem name configAttrs) source;
+ config = rsyncDefaultConfig // derivedConfig // sourceConfig;
+ derivedConfig = {
+ useChecksum =
+ if isStorePath source.path
+ then true
+ else rsyncDefaultConfig.useChecksum;
+ };
+ sourceConfig =
+ filterAttrs (name: _: elem name (attrNames rsyncDefaultConfig)) source;
+ sourcePath =
+ if isStorePath source.path
+ then quote (toString source.path)
+ else quote source.path;
- rsync' target config (quote source.path);
+ rsync' target config sourcePath;
pop.git = target: source: runShell target /* sh */ ''
set -efu
@@ -144,7 +155,7 @@ let
echo "$local_pass_info" > "$tmp_dir"/.pass_info
- ${rsync' target {} /* sh */ "$tmp_dir"}
+ ${rsync' target rsyncDefaultConfig /* sh */ "$tmp_dir"}
pop.pipe = target: source: /* sh */ ''
@@ -172,17 +183,17 @@ let
${rsync}/bin/rsync \
- ${optionalString (config.useChecksum or false) /* sh */ "--checksum"} \
+ ${optionalString config.useChecksum /* sh */ "--checksum"} \
${optionalString target.sudo /* sh */ "--rsync-path=\"sudo rsync\""} \
${concatMapStringsSep " "
(pattern: /* sh */ "--exclude ${quote pattern}")
- (config.exclude or [])} \
+ config.exclude} \
${concatMapStringsSep " "
(filter: /* sh */ "--${filter.type} ${quote filter.pattern}")
- (config.filters or [])} \
+ config.filters} \
-e ${quote (ssh' target)} \
-vFrlptD \
- ${optionalString (config.deleteExcluded or true) /* sh */ "--delete-excluded"} \
+ ${optionalString config.deleteExcluded /* sh */ "--delete-excluded"} \
"$source_path" \
${quote (
optionalString (!isLocalTarget target) (
@@ -194,6 +205,13 @@ let
+ rsyncDefaultConfig = {
+ useChecksum = false;
+ exclude = [];
+ filters = [];
+ deleteExcluded = true;
+ };
runShell = target: command:
if isLocalTarget target
then command
@@ -206,8 +224,7 @@ let
ssh' = target: concatMapStringsSep " " quote (flatten [
- (optionals (target.user != "") ["-l" target.user])
- "-p" target.port
+ (mkUserPortSSHOpts target)