path: root/tv/5pkgs/haskell/xmonad-tv/src/main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tv/5pkgs/haskell/xmonad-tv/src/main.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/tv/5pkgs/haskell/xmonad-tv/src/main.hs b/tv/5pkgs/haskell/xmonad-tv/src/main.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 81373f41..00000000
--- a/tv/5pkgs/haskell/xmonad-tv/src/main.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-module Main (main) where
-import System.Exit (exitFailure)
-import Control.Exception
-import Control.Monad.Extra (whenJustM)
-import qualified Data.List
-import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86
-import Text.Read (readEither)
-import XMonad
-import XMonad.Extra (isFloatingX)
-import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
-import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnv, getEnvironment, lookupEnv)
-import System.Posix.Process (executeFile)
-import XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces ( addWorkspacePrompt, renameWorkspace
- , removeEmptyWorkspace)
-import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (toggleWS)
-import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders ( smartBorders )
-import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile (ResizableTall(ResizableTall))
-import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile (MirrorResize(MirrorExpand,MirrorShrink))
-import qualified XMonad.Prompt
-import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook (SpawnUrgencyHook(..), withUrgencyHook)
-import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (doCenterFloat,doRectFloat)
-import Data.Ratio
-import XMonad.Hooks.Place (placeHook, smart)
-import XMonad.Actions.PerWorkspaceKeys (chooseAction)
-import XMonad.Stockholm.Pager
-import XMonad.Stockholm.Shutdown
-import THEnv.JSON (getCompileEnvJSONExp)
-myFont :: String
-myFont = "-schumacher-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*"
-myScreenWidth :: Dimension
-myScreenWidth =
- $(getCompileEnvJSONExp (id @Dimension) "XMONAD_BUILD_SCREEN_WIDTH")
-myTermFontWidth :: Dimension
-myTermFontWidth =
- $(getCompileEnvJSONExp (id @Dimension) "XMONAD_BUILD_TERM_FONT_WIDTH")
-myTermPadding :: Dimension
-myTermPadding = 2
-main :: IO ()
-main = getArgs >>= \case
- [] -> mainNoArgs
- ["--shutdown"] -> shutdown
- args -> hPutStrLn stderr ("bad arguments: " <> show args) >> exitFailure
-(=??) :: Query a -> (a -> Bool) -> Query Bool
-(=??) x p = fmap p x
-mainNoArgs :: IO ()
-mainNoArgs = do
- workspaces0 <- getWorkspaces0
- handleShutdownEvent <- newShutdownEventHandler
- let
- config =
- id
- $ withUrgencyHook (SpawnUrgencyHook "echo emit Urgency ")
- $ def
- { terminal = {-pkg:rxvt_unicode-}"urxvtc"
- , modMask = mod4Mask
- , keys = myKeys
- , workspaces = workspaces0
- , layoutHook =
- smartBorders $
- ResizableTall
- 1
- (fromIntegral (10 * myTermFontWidth) / fromIntegral myScreenWidth)
- (fromIntegral (80 * myTermFontWidth + 2 * (myTermPadding + borderWidth def)) / fromIntegral myScreenWidth)
- []
- |||
- Full
- , manageHook =
- composeAll
- [ appName =? "fzmenu-urxvt" --> doCenterFloat
- , appName =?? Data.List.isPrefixOf "pinentry" --> doCenterFloat
- , appName =?? Data.List.isInfixOf "Float" --> doCenterFloat
- , title =? "Upload to Imgur" -->
- doRectFloat (W.RationalRect 0 0 (1 % 8) (1 % 8))
- , placeHook (smart (1,0))
- ]
- , startupHook =
- whenJustM (io (lookupEnv "XMONAD_STARTUP_HOOK"))
- (\path -> forkFile path [] Nothing)
- , normalBorderColor = "#1c1c1c"
- , focusedBorderColor = "#f000b0"
- , handleEventHook = handleShutdownEvent
- }
- directories <- getDirectories
- launch config directories
-getWorkspaces0 :: IO [String]
-getWorkspaces0 =
- try (getEnv "XMONAD_WORKSPACES0_FILE") >>= \case
- Left e -> warn (displaySomeException e)
- Right p -> try (readFile p) >>= \case
- Left e -> warn (displaySomeException e)
- Right x -> case readEither x of
- Left e -> warn e
- Right y -> return y
- where
- warn msg = hPutStrLn stderr ("getWorkspaces0: " ++ msg) >> return []
-displaySomeException :: SomeException -> String
-displaySomeException = displayException
-forkFile :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> X ()
-forkFile path args env =
- xfork (executeFile path True args env) >> return ()
-spawnRootTerm :: X ()
-spawnRootTerm =
- forkFile
- {-pkg:rxvt_unicode-}"urxvtc"
- ["-name", "root-urxvt", "-e", "/run/wrappers/bin/su", "-"]
- Nothing
-spawnTermAt :: String -> X ()
-spawnTermAt ws = do
- env <- io getEnvironment
- let env' = ("XMONAD_SPAWN_WORKSPACE", ws) : env
- forkFile {-pkg:rxvt_unicode-}"urxvtc" [] (Just env')
-myKeys :: XConfig Layout -> Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ())
-myKeys conf = Map.fromList $
- [ ((_4 , xK_Escape ), forkFile {-pkg-}"slock" [] Nothing)
- , ((_4S , xK_c ), kill)
- , ((_4 , xK_o ), forkFile {-pkg:fzmenu-}"otpmenu" [] Nothing)
- , ((_4 , xK_p ), forkFile {-pkg:fzmenu-}"passmenu" [] Nothing)
- , ((_4 , xK_x ), chooseAction spawnTermAt)
- , ((_4C , xK_x ), spawnRootTerm)
- , ((0 , xK_Menu ), gets windowset >>= allWorkspaceNames >>= pager pagerConfig (windows . W.view) )
- , ((_S , xK_Menu ), gets windowset >>= allWorkspaceNames >>= pager pagerConfig (windows . W.shift) )
- , ((_C , xK_Menu ), toggleWS)
- , ((_4 , xK_space ), withFocused $ \w -> ifM (isFloatingX w) xdeny $ sendMessage NextLayout)
- , ((_4M , xK_space ), withFocused $ \w -> ifM (isFloatingX w) xdeny $ resetLayout)
- , ((_4 , xK_m ), windows W.focusMaster)
- , ((_4 , xK_j ), windows W.focusDown)
- , ((_4 , xK_k ), windows W.focusUp)
- , ((_4S , xK_m ), windows W.swapMaster)
- , ((_4S , xK_j ), windows W.swapDown)
- , ((_4S , xK_k ), windows W.swapUp)
- , ((_4M , xK_h ), sendMessage Shrink)
- , ((_4M , xK_l ), sendMessage Expand)
- , ((_4M , xK_j ), sendMessage MirrorShrink)
- , ((_4M , xK_k ), sendMessage MirrorExpand)
- , ((_4 , xK_t ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
- , ((_4 , xK_comma ), sendMessage $ IncMasterN 1)
- , ((_4 , xK_period ), sendMessage $ IncMasterN (-1))
- , ((_4 , xK_a ), addWorkspacePrompt promptXPConfig)
- , ((_4 , xK_r ), renameWorkspace promptXPConfig)
- , ((_4 , xK_Delete ), removeEmptyWorkspace)
- , ((_4 , xK_Return ), toggleWS)
- , ((0, xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume), audioLowerVolume)
- , ((0, xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume), audioRaiseVolume)
- , ((0, xF86XK_AudioMute), audioMute)
- , ((_4, xF86XK_AudioMute), pavucontrol [])
- , ((_4, xK_Prior), forkFile {-pkg-}"xcalib" ["-invert", "-alter"] Nothing)
- , ((0, xK_Print), forkFile {-pkg-}"flameshot" [] Nothing)
- , ((_C, xF86XK_Forward), forkFile {-pkg:xdpytools-}"xdpychvt" ["next"] Nothing)
- , ((_C, xF86XK_Back), forkFile {-pkg:xdpytools-}"xdpychvt" ["prev"] Nothing)
- ]
- where
- _4 = mod4Mask
- _C = controlMask
- _S = shiftMask
- _M = mod1Mask
- _4C = _4 .|. _C
- _4S = _4 .|. _S
- _4M = _4 .|. _M
- _4CM = _4 .|. _C .|. _M
- _4SM = _4 .|. _S .|. _M
- amixer args = forkFile {-pkg:alsaUtils-}"amixer" args Nothing
- pavucontrol args = forkFile {-pkg-}"pavucontrol" args Nothing
- audioLowerVolume = amixer ["-q", "sset", "Master", "5%-"]
- audioRaiseVolume = amixer ["-q", "sset", "Master", "5%+"]
- audioMute = amixer ["-q", "sset", "Master", "toggle"]
- resetLayout = setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf
- promptXPConfig =
- def { XMonad.Prompt.font = myFont }
-xdeny :: X ()
-xdeny =
- forkFile
- {-pkg-}"xterm"
- [ "-fn", myFont
- , "-geometry", "300x100"
- , "-name", "AlertFloat"
- , "-bg", "#E4002B"
- , "-e", "sleep", "0.05"
- ]
- Nothing
-pagerConfig :: PagerConfig
-pagerConfig = def
- { pc_font = myFont
- , pc_cellwidth = 64
- , pc_matchmethod = MatchPrefix
- , pc_windowColors = windowColors
- }
- where
- windowColors _ _ _ True _ = ("#ef4242","#ff2323")
- windowColors wsf m c u wf = do
- let y = defaultWindowColors wsf m c u wf
- if m == False && wf == True
- then ("#402020", snd y)
- else y
-allWorkspaceNames :: W.StackSet i l a sid sd -> X [i]
-allWorkspaceNames = return . map W.tag . W.workspaces