path: root/krebs/5pkgs/simple/pass/rofi-pass.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'krebs/5pkgs/simple/pass/rofi-pass.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/krebs/5pkgs/simple/pass/rofi-pass.nix b/krebs/5pkgs/simple/pass/rofi-pass.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 61f51973..00000000
--- a/krebs/5pkgs/simple/pass/rofi-pass.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, pass, rofi, coreutils, utillinux, xdotool, gnugrep
-, libnotify, pwgen, findutils, gawk, gnused, xclip, makeWrapper
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
- name = "rofi-pass-${version}";
- version = "1.5.3";
- src = fetchFromGitHub {
- owner = "carnager";
- repo = "rofi-pass";
- rev = version;
- sha256 = "1fn1j2rf3abc5qb44zfc8z8ffw6rva4xfp7597hwr1g3szacazpq";
- };
- buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
- dontBuild = true;
- installPhase = ''
- mkdir -p $out/bin
- cp -a rofi-pass $out/bin/rofi-pass
- mkdir -p $out/share/doc/rofi-pass/
- cp -a config.example $out/share/doc/rofi-pass/config.example
- '';
- wrapperPath = with stdenv.lib; makeBinPath [
- coreutils
- findutils
- gawk
- gnugrep
- gnused
- libnotify
- pass
- pwgen
- rofi
- utillinux
- xclip
- xdotool
- ];
- fixupPhase = ''
- patchShebangs $out/bin
- wrapProgram $out/bin/rofi-pass \
- --prefix PATH : "${wrapperPath}"
- '';
- meta = {
- description = "A script to make rofi work with password-store";
- homepage =;
- maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ the-kenny garbas ];
- license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
- platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;
- };