path: root/
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+A command line utility that decodes [GRIB2]( files as JSON.
+This utility uses the netCDF-Java GRIB decoder, part of the [THREDDS]( project
+by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata.
+git clone <this project>
+mvn package
+This creates a .tar.gz in the target directory. Unzip and untar the package in a location of choice.
+The `grib2json` launch script is located in the `bin` directory and requires the `JAVA_HOME` environment
+variable to be defined.
+> grib2json --help
+Usage: grib2json [options] FILE
+ [--compact -c] : enable compact Json formatting
+ [--data -d] : print GRIB record data
+ [--filter.category --fc value] : select records with this numeric category
+ [--filter.parameter --fp value] : select records with this numeric parameter
+ [--filter.surface --fs value] : select records with this numeric surface type
+ [--filter.value --fv value] : select records with this numeric surface value
+ [--help -h] : display this help
+ [--names -n] : print names of numeric codes
+ [--output -o value] : write output to the specified file (default is stdout)
+ [--verbose -v] : enable logging to stdout
+For example, the following command outputs to stdout the records for parameter 2 (U-component_of_wind), with
+surface type 103 (Specified height level above ground), and surface value 10.0 meters from the GRIB2 file
+_gfs.t18z.pgrbf00.2p5deg.grib2_. Notice the optional inclusion of human-readable _xyzName_ keys and the data array:
+> grib2json --names --data --fp 2 --fs 103 --fv 10.0 gfs.t18z.pgrbf00.2p5deg.grib2
+ {
+ "header":{
+ "discipline":0,
+ "disciplineName":"Meteorological products",
+ "gribEdition":2,
+ "gribLength":27759,
+ "center":7,
+ "centerName":"US National Weather Service - NCEP(WMC)",
+ "parameterNumber":2,
+ "parameterNumberName":"U-component_of_wind",
+ "parameterUnit":"m.s-1",
+ "surface1Type":103,
+ "surface1TypeName":"Specified height level above ground",
+ "surface1Value":10.0,
+ ...
+ },
+ "data":[
+ -2.12,
+ -2.27,
+ -2.41,
+ ...
+ ]
+ }