diff options
authorDavid Arnold <>2022-11-05 15:17:35 -0500
committerlassulus <>2022-12-02 08:09:37 +0100
commitefc80d7d89d40f54b76e0efcf83578c6b074906e (patch)
parentaca927667acea7bb01dc8e72ee71f6548d9fd41b (diff)
types: init swap
4 files changed, 131 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/example/swap.nix b/example/swap.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0693caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/swap.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{ disks ? [ "/dev/vdb" ], ... }: {
+ disk = {
+ vdb = {
+ device = builtins.elemAt disks 0;
+ type = "disk";
+ content = {
+ type = "table";
+ format = "gpt";
+ partitions = [
+ {
+ type = "partition";
+ name = "ESP";
+ start = "1MiB";
+ end = "100MiB";
+ bootable = true;
+ content = {
+ type = "filesystem";
+ format = "vfat";
+ mountpoint = "/boot";
+ };
+ }
+ {
+ name = "root";
+ type = "partition";
+ start = "100MiB";
+ end = "-1G";
+ part-type = "primary";
+ bootable = true;
+ content = {
+ type = "filesystem";
+ format = "ext4";
+ mountpoint = "/";
+ };
+ }
+ {
+ name = "root";
+ type = "partition";
+ start = "-1G";
+ end = "100%";
+ part-type = "primary";
+ bootable = true;
+ content = {
+ type = "swap";
+ randomEncryption = true;
+ };
+ }
+ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/module.nix b/module.nix
index 9b568be..1a8a000 100644
--- a/module.nix
+++ b/module.nix
@@ -42,5 +42,6 @@ in {
# Remember to add config keys here if they are added to types
fileSystems = lib.mkIf cfg.enableConfig (lib.mkMerge (lib.catAttrs "fileSystems" (types.diskoLib.config cfg.devices)));
boot = lib.mkIf cfg.enableConfig (lib.mkMerge (lib.catAttrs "boot" (types.diskoLib.config cfg.devices)));
+ swapDevices = lib.mkIf cfg.enableConfig (lib.mkMerge (lib.catAttrs "swapDevices" (types.diskoLib.config cfg.devices)));
diff --git a/tests/swap.nix b/tests/swap.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa090f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/swap.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{ pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs> { })
+, makeDiskoTest ? (pkgs.callPackage ./lib.nix { }).makeDiskoTest
+makeDiskoTest {
+ disko-config = ../example/swap.nix;
+ extraTestScript = ''
+ machine.succeed("mountpoint /");
+ machine.succeed("swapon --show >&2");
+ machine.succeed("""
+ lsblk --json |
+ ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -e '.blockdevices[] |
+ select(.name == "vda") |
+ .children[] |
+ select(.name == "vda3") |
+ .children[0].mountpoints[0] == "[SWAP]"
+ '
+ """);
+ '';
diff --git a/types.nix b/types.nix
index 2ed3ccc..87a34a9 100644
--- a/types.nix
+++ b/types.nix
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ rec {
# option for valid contents of partitions (basically like devices, but without tables)
partitionType = mkOption {
- type = types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType { inherit btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv; });
+ type = types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType { inherit btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv swap; });
default = null;
# option for valid contents of devices
deviceType = mkOption {
- type = types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType { inherit table btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv; });
+ type = types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType { inherit table btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv swap; });
default = null;
@@ -547,6 +547,62 @@ rec {
+ swap = types.submodule ({ config, ... }: {
+ options = {
+ type = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "swap" ];
+ internal = true;
+ };
+ randomEncryption = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ };
+ _meta = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ readOnly = true;
+ type = types.functionTo diskoLib.jsonType;
+ default = dev: {
+ };
+ };
+ _create = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ readOnly = true;
+ type = types.functionTo types.str;
+ default = dev: ''
+ mkswap ${dev}
+ '';
+ };
+ _mount = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ readOnly = true;
+ type = types.functionTo diskoLib.jsonType;
+ default = dev: {
+ fs.${dev} = ''
+ if ! $(swapon --show | grep -q '^${dev} '); then
+ swapon ${dev}
+ fi
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ _config = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ readOnly = true;
+ default = dev: [{
+ swapDevices = [{
+ device = dev;
+ randomEncryption = config.randomEncryption;
+ }];
+ }];
+ };
+ _pkgs = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ readOnly = true;
+ type = types.functionTo (types.listOf types.package);
+ default = pkgs: [ pkgs.util-linux ];
+ };
+ };
+ });
lvm_pv = types.submodule ({ config, ... }: {
options = {
type = mkOption {
@@ -1158,7 +1214,7 @@ rec {
type = types.enum [ "disk" ];
device = mkOption {
- type = optionTypes.absolute-pathname; # TODO check if subpath of /dev ?
+ type = optionTypes.absolute-pathname; # TODO check if subpath of /dev ? - No! eg: /.swapfile
content = diskoLib.deviceType;
_meta = mkOption {