{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with config.krebs.lib; let # TODO merge with lass getDefaultGateway = ip: concatStringsSep "." (take 3 (splitString "." ip) ++ ["1"]); primary-addr4 = config.krebs.build.host.nets.internet.ip4.addr; in { krebs.build.host = config.krebs.hosts.rmdir; imports = [ ../. ../2configs/hw/CAC-Developer-1.nix ../2configs/fs/CAC-CentOS-7-64bit.nix ../2configs/exim-smarthost.nix ../2configs/git.nix { tv.iptables = { enable = true; input-internet-accept-new-tcp = [ "ssh" "tinc" "smtp" ]; input-retiolum-accept-new-tcp = [ "http" ]; }; } { krebs.retiolum = { enable = true; connectTo = [ "cd" "mkdir" "fastpoke" "pigstarter" "ire" ]; }; } ]; networking.interfaces.enp2s1.ip4 = [ { address = primary-addr4; prefixLength = 24; } ]; # TODO define gateway in krebs/3modules/default.nix networking.defaultGateway = getDefaultGateway primary-addr4; networking.nameservers = [ "" ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ htop iftop iotop iptables nethogs rxvt_unicode.terminfo tcpdump ]; services.journald.extraConfig = '' SystemMaxUse=1G RuntimeMaxUse=128M ''; }