# Inputs:
#  binary_sensor.playlist_button_good
#  binary_sensor.playlist_button_bad

# outputs
#  rest_command
#  automation
#  sensor
  services.home-assistant.config =
    rest_command = {
      good_song = {
        url = "http://prism.r:8001/good";
        method = "POST";
      bad_song = {
        url = "http://prism.r:8001/skip";
        method = "POST";
    automation = [
        alias = "playlist song publish";
        trigger = {
          #platform = "event";
          #event_data.entity_id = "sensor.the_playlist_song";
          platform = "state";
          entity_id = "sensor.the_playlist_song";
        action = {
          service = "mqtt.publish";
          data = {
            topic = "/ham/the_playlist/song";
            payload_template = "{{ states.sensor.the_playlist_song.state }}";
        alias = "playlist upvote on button";
        trigger = {
          platform = "state";
          entity_id = "binary_sensor.playlist_button_good";
          from = "off";
          to = "on";
        action.service = "rest_command.good_song";
        alias = "playlist downvote on button";
        trigger = {
          platform = "state";
          entity_id = "binary_sensor.playlist_button_bad";
          from = "off";
          to = "on";
        action.service = "rest_command.bad_song";
    sensor =  [
      { platform = "rest";
        name = "pl";
        resource = "http://prism.r:8001/current";
        scan_interval = 30;
        value_template = "1";
        json_attributes = [ "name" "filename" "youtube" ];
      { platform = "template";
        sensors = {
          the_playlist_song = {
            friendly_name = "Current Song";
            value_template = ''{{ states.sensor.pl.attributes['name'] }}'';
          the_playlist_url = {
            friendly_name = "Song Youtube URL";
            value_template = ''{{ states.sensor.pl.attributes['youtube'] }}'';
          the_playlist_filename = {
            friendly_name = "Song Filename";
            value_template = ''{{ states.sensor.pl.attributes['filename'] }}'';