{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with import ; let mq = ""; pkg = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "ampel-master"; src = pkgs.fetchgit { url = "http://cgit.euer.krebsco.de/ampel"; rev = "07a6791de368e16cc0864d2676fd255eba522cee"; sha256 = "1jxjapvkfglvgapy7gjbr1nra3ay418nvz70bvypcmv7wc8d4h8q"; }; buildInputs = [ (pkgs.python35.withPackages (pythonPackages: with pythonPackages; [ docopt paho-mqtt ])) ]; installPhase = '' install -m755 -D fade.py $out/bin/fade.py install -m755 -D ampel.py $out/bin/ampel install -m755 -D times.json $out/share/times.json ''; }; in { systemd.services.led-fader = { description = "Send led change to message queue"; environment = { NIX_PATH = "/var/src"; }; # after = [ (lib.optional config.services.mosqitto.enable "mosquitto.service") ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { # User = "nobody"; # need a user with permissions to run nix-shell ExecStart = "${pkg}/bin/ampel 4 ${pkg}/share/times.json"; PrivateTmp = true; }; }; }