{ lib, ... }:
#  password: supersecurepassword
#  rooms:
#    - "#hasstest:matrix.org"
#  commands:
#    - word: my_command
#      name: my_command
  mom_room = "!kTQjvTQvfVsvfEtmth:thales.citadel.team";
in {
  matrix =
    # secrets:
    # homeserver, username, password
    homeserver = "https://ext01.citadel.team";
    rooms = [
    commands = [
      # alternative: expression for regexp
      word = "version";
      name = "version";
      word = "luftqualität";
      name = "luftqualitaet";
  }  // (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile
  automation = [
      alias = "React to !version";
      trigger = {
        platform = "event";
        event_type = "matrix_command";
        event_data.command = "version";
      action = {
        service = "notify.matrix_notify";
        data_template.message = "Running home-assistant {{states.sensor.current_version.state}}";
      alias = "React to !luftqualität";
      trigger = {
        platform = "event";
        event_type = "matrix_command";
        event_data.command = "luftqualitaet";
      action = {
        service = "notify.matrix_notify";
        data_template.message = ''Temp: {{states.sensor.notizen_temperature.state_with_unit | replace (" ","")}}, Hum:{{states.sensor.notizen_humidity.state_with_unit | replace (" ","")}}, airquality:{{states.sensor.air_quality.state_with_unit}}'';

  notify = [{
    name = "matrix_notify";
    platform = "matrix";
    default_room = mom_room;