{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with import <stockholm/lib>; let external-ip = config.krebs.build.host.nets.internet.ip4.addr; internal-ip = config.krebs.build.host.nets.retiolum.ip4.addr; in { imports = [ ../. # TODO: copy this config or move to krebs ../2configs/hw/CAC.nix ../2configs/fs/CAC-CentOS-7-64bit.nix ../2configs/save-diskspace.nix # ../2configs/bepasty-dual.nix ../2configs/iodined.nix ../2configs/backup.nix # other nginx # ../2configs/nginx/euer.test.nix # collectd ../2configs/logging/central-stats-client.nix ../2configs/logging/central-logging-client.nix ../2configs/tinc/retiolum.nix # ../2configs/torrent.nix ]; krebs.build.host = config.krebs.hosts.wry; # prepare graphs services.nginx.enable = true; krebs.retiolum-bootstrap.enable = true; networking = { firewall = { allowPing = true; logRefusedConnections = false; allowedTCPPorts = [ 53 80 443 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 655 53 ]; }; interfaces.enp2s1.ip4 = [{ address = external-ip; prefixLength = 24; }]; defaultGateway = ""; nameservers = [ "" ]; }; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.screen ]; }