{config, pkgs, lib, ...}: let zigbee2mqtt_cfg = pkgs.writeText "zigbee2mqtt.json" (builtins.toJSON { homeassistant = true; permit_join = false; mqtt = { discovery = true; base_topic = "zigbee"; server = "mqtt://"; user = "gg23"; password = "gg23-mqtt"; }; serial.port = "/dev/cc2531"; }); in { # symlink the zigbee controller services.udev.extraRules = '' SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0451", ATTRS{idProduct}=="16a8", SYMLINK+="cc2531", MODE="0660", GROUP="dailout" ''; system.activationScripts.installZigbee = '' install -d /var/lib/zigbee2mqtt install ${zigbee2mqtt_cfg} /var/lib/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml ''; # hack to restart docker container on config change systemd.services.docker-zigbee2mqtt.environment.cfg = zigbee2mqtt_cfg; docker-containers.zigbee2mqtt = { image = "koenkk/zigbee2mqtt"; extraDockerOptions = [ "--device=/dev/cc2531:/dev/cc2531" ]; volumes = ["/var/lib/zigbee2mqtt:/app/data"]; }; services.home-assistant.config = { sensor = [ # Sensor for monitoring the bridge state { platform = "mqtt"; name = "Zigbee2mqtt Bridge state"; state_topic = "/zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"; icon = "mdi:router-wireless"; } # Sensor for Showing the Zigbee2mqtt Version { platform = "mqtt"; name = "Zigbee2mqtt Version"; state_topic = "/zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config"; value_template = "{{ value_json.version }}"; icon = "mdi:zigbee"; } # Sensor for Showing the Coordinator Version { platform = "mqtt"; name = "Coordinator Version"; state_topic = "/zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config"; value_template = "{{ value_json.coordinator }}"; icon = "mdi:chip"; } ]; switch = [ { platform = "mqtt"; name = "zigbee2mqtt_join"; state_topic = "/zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"; command_topic = "/zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"; payload_on = "true"; payload_off = "false"; } ]; automation = [ #{ # alias = "Zigbee2mqtt Log Level"; # initial_state = "on"; # trigger = { # platform = "state"; # entity_id = "input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level"; # }; # action = [ # { # service = "mqtt.publish"; # data = { # payload_template = "{{ states('input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level') }}"; # topic = "/zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/log_level"; # }; # } # ]; #} # Automation to start timer when enable join is turned on { id = "zigbee_join_enabled"; alias = ""; hide_entity = "true"; trigger = { platform = "state"; entity_id = "switch.zigbee2mqtt_join"; to = "on"; }; action = { service = "timer.start"; entity_id = "timer.zigbee_permit_join"; }; } # Automation to stop timer when switch turned off and turn off switch when timer finished { id = "zigbee_join_disabled"; hide_entity = "true"; trigger = [ { platform = "event"; event_type = "timer.finished"; event_data.entity_id = "timer.zigbee_permit_join"; } { platform = "state"; entity_id = "switch.zigbee2mqtt_join"; to = "off"; } ]; action = [ { service = "timer.cancel"; data.entity_id = "timer.zigbee_permit_join"; } { service = "switch.turn_off"; entity_id = "switch.zigbee2mqtt_join"; } ]; } ]; #input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level = { # name = "Zigbee2mqtt Log Level"; # options = [ # "debug" # "info" # "warn" # "error" # ]; # initial = "info"; # icon = "mdi:format-list-bulleted"; #}; timer.zigbee_permit_join = { name = "Zigbee Time remaining"; duration = 120; }; }; }