{ lib, ... }: with builtins; with lib; let out = rec { eq = x: y: x == y; mod = x: y: x - y * (x / y); addName = name: set: set // { inherit name; }; addNames = mapAttrs addName; types = import ./types.nix { inherit lib; }; dir.has-default-nix = path: pathExists (path + "/default.nix"); dns = import ./dns.nix { inherit lib; }; genid = import ./genid.nix { lib = lib // out; }; git = import ./git.nix { lib = lib // out; }; listset = import ./listset.nix { inherit lib; }; shell = import ./shell.nix { inherit lib; }; tree = import ./tree.nix { inherit lib; }; toC = x: { list = "{ ${concatStringsSep ", " (map toC x)} }"; null = "NULL"; string = toJSON x; # close enough }.${typeOf x}; subdirsOf = path: mapAttrs (name: _: path + "/${name}") (filterAttrs (_: eq "directory") (readDir path)); mapAttrValues = f: mapAttrs (_: f); setAttr = name: value: set: set // { ${name} = value; }; }; in out