#! /bin/sh set -euf PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH export PATH cac_listservers_cache=$PWD/tmp/cac_listservers_cache.json cac() { __cac_cli__command=$1 shift __cac_cli__"$__cac_cli__command" "$@" } # WIP __cac_cli__help() {( exec sed < "$0" -n ' s/^__cac_cli__\([^(]\+\)().*/\1/p ' )} # usage: console __cac_cli__console() {( server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") sid=$(echo $server | jq -r .sid) # TODO check reply status == ok _cac_post_api_v1 console sid="$sid" | jq -r .console )} __cac_cli__listservers() { jq -r . $cac_listservers_cache } __cac_cli__update() {( umask 0077 servers=$(_cac_listservers) echo $servers > $cac_listservers_cache.tmp mv $cac_listservers_cache.tmp $cac_listservers_cache )} __cac_cli__getserver() {( case $1 in *:*) k=${1%%:*} v=${1#*:} ;; *) k=label v=${1#*:} ;; esac if result=$(jq \ -e \ --arg k "$k" \ --arg v "$v" \ ' map(select(.[$k]==$v)) | if (. | length) == 1 then .[0] else null end ' \ $cac_listservers_cache); then echo $result | jq -r . else echo "$0 getserver $k:$v => not unique server found" >&2 exit 23 fi )} __cac_cli__generatenetworking() {( server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") hostname=$(echo $server | jq -r .label) address=$(echo $server | jq -r .ip) gateway=$(echo $server | jq -r .gateway) nameserver= netmask=$(echo $server | jq -r .netmask) prefix=$(netmask-to-prefix $netmask) #printf '# Generated file: %s generatenetworking %s %s\n' "$0" "$1" "$2" #printf '# on %s\n' "$(date -Is)" #printf '\n' printf '_:\n' printf '\n' printf '{\n' printf ' networking.hostName = "%s";\n' $hostname printf ' networking.interfaces.enp2s1.ip4 = [\n' printf ' {\n' printf ' address = "%s";\n' $address printf ' prefixLength = %d;\n' $prefix printf ' }\n' printf ' ];\n' printf ' networking.defaultGateway = "%s";\n' $gateway printf ' networking.nameservers = [\n' printf ' "%s"\n' $nameserver printf ' ];\n' printf '}\n' )} __cac_cli__powerop() {( server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") action=$2 sid=$(echo $server | jq -r .sid) reply=$(_cac_post_api_v1 powerop sid="$sid" action="$action") case $(echo $reply | jq -r .status) in ok) echo $reply | jq -r . >&2 __cac_cli__update ;; *) echo bad reply: >&2 echo $reply | jq -r . >&2 exit 23 ;; esac )} __cac_cli__pushconfig() {( server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") prefix=${2-/} hostname=$(echo $server | jq -r .label) address=$(echo $server | jq -r .ip) target=root@$address RSYNC_RSH='sshpass -e ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' SSHPASS=$(echo $server | jq -r .rootpass) export RSYNC_RSH SSHPASS pushgit . $prefix/etc/nixos/ pushgit hosts $prefix/etc/nixos/hosts/ pushgit tmp/nixpkgs/$hostname $prefix/etc/nixos/nixpkgs/ pushdir secrets/$hostname/nix $prefix/etc/nixos/secrets/ pushdir secrets/$hostname/rsync $prefix/ echo "_:{imports=[./modules/$hostname];}" \ | $RSYNC_RSH "$target" tee "$prefix/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" \ > /dev/null ## TODO chmod and chown secrets )} __cac_cli__setlabel() {( server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") label=$2 sid=$(echo $server | jq -r .sid) reply=$(_cac_post_api_v1 renameserver sid="$sid" name="$label") case $(echo $reply | jq -r .status) in ok) echo $reply | jq -r . >&2 __cac_cli__update ;; *) echo bad reply: >&2 echo $reply | jq -r . >&2 exit 23 ;; esac )} __cac_cli__setmode() {( server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") mode=$2 sid=$(echo $server | jq -r .sid) reply=$(_cac_post_api_v1 runmode sid="$sid" mode="$mode") case $(echo $reply | jq -r .status) in ok) echo $reply | jq -r . >&2 __cac_cli__update ;; *) echo bad reply: >&2 echo $reply | jq -r . exit 23 ;; esac )} __cac_cli__ssh() {( server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") shift address=$(echo $server | jq -r .ip) target=root@$address SSHPASS=$(echo $server | jq -r .rootpass) export SSHPASS exec sshpass -e ssh \ -S none \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \ $target \ "$@" )} # usage: ./cac waitstatus mode:Safe 'Powered On' # blocks until server has specfied state __cac_cli__waitstatus() { server=$(__cac_cli__getserver "$1") status=$(echo $server | jq -r .status) case $status in $2) return ;; esac echo "$(date -Is) Waiting for status: $2; current status: $status ..." >&2 __cac_cli__waitforcacheupdate __cac_cli__waitstatus "$@" } # XXX for __cac_cli__waitforcacheupdate and __cac_cli__poll cache means $cac_listservers_cache # blocks until cache has been updated then executes "$@" __cac_cli__waitforcacheupdate() { case $(inotifywait --format %f -q -e moved_to $(dirname $cac_listservers_cache)) in $(basename $cac_listservers_cache)) "$@";; *) __cac_cli__waitforcacheupdate "$@";; esac } # usage: with cac ./cac poll 60s # continuously update cache, sleeping at least $1 between updates __cac_cli__poll() { __cac_cli__update t=${1-1m} echo "$(date -Is) cache updated; sleeping $t ..." >&2 sleep "$t" __cac_cli__poll "$@" } _cac_listservers() {( servers=$(_cac_get_api_v1 listservers) status=$(echo $servers | jq -r .status) if [ "$status" = ok ]; then echo "$servers" | jq -r .data else echo "cac_listservers: bad listservers status: $status" >&2 exit 1 fi )} # rsyncfiles : lines filename |> local-dir x remote-dir -> ? |> ? rsyncfiles() {( set -x rsync \ --rsync-path="mkdir -p \"$2\" && rsync" \ -vzrlptD \ --files-from=- \ "$1"/ \ "$target:$2" )} # gitfiles : git-work-tree -> lines filename gitfiles() { git -C "$1" archive --format=tar HEAD | tar t | sed '/\/$/d' } # pushgit : git-work-tree x remote-dir -> ? pushgit() { gitfiles "$1" | rsyncfiles "$1" "$2" } # dirfiles : local-dir -> lines filename dirfiles() {( cd "$1" find . -type f | sed 's/^\.\///' )} # pushgit : local-dir x remote-dir -> ? pushdir() { dirfiles "$1" | rsyncfiles "$1" "$2" } _cac_get_api_v1() { _cac_curl_api_v1 -G "$@" } _cac_post_api_v1() { _cac_curl_api_v1 -XPOST "$@" } _cac_curl_api_v1() { _cac_exec curl -sS "$1" "https://panel.cloudatcost.com/api/v1/$2.php" $( shift 2 set -- "$@" login="$cac_login" key="$cac_key" for arg; do echo -d $(printf '%s' "$arg" | urlencode) done ) } _cac_exec() { if test -z "${cac_via-}"; then env -- "$@" else ssh -q "$cac_via" -t "$@" fi } case ${run-true} in true) cac "$@";; esac