with import ; { pkgs , edit-key ? "ctrl-e" , exec-key ? "enter" , edit-mark ? "${mark-prefix}${edit-key}" , exec-mark ? "${mark-prefix}${exec-key}" , edit-command ? "\"\"" , exec-command ? "accept-line" , mark-prefix ? " #FZFKEY:" , finish-keyseq ? "\\C-x\\C-p" , rebind-keyseq ? "\\C-x\\C-o" , start-keyseq ? "\\C-f" , load-keyseq ? start-keyseq }: let script = pkgs.writeBash "bash-fzf-history.sh" '' if ! command -v fzf >/dev/null; then # Alternatively rewrite ${pkgs.fzf}/share/fzf/* to use absolute paths. fzf() { ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf "$@" } fi . ${pkgs.fzf}/share/fzf/key-bindings.bash . ${pkgs.fzf}/share/fzf/completion.bash FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='${toString [ /* sh */ "--height=40%" /* sh */ "--inline-info" /* sh */ "--min-height=4" /* sh */ "--reverse" ]}' __fzf_history__() ( result=$( HISTTIMEFORMAT= history | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="${toString [ /* sh */ "--tac" /* sh */ "--sync" /* sh */ "-n2..,.." /* sh */ "--tiebreak=index" /* sh */ "--bind=ctrl-r:toggle-sort" /* sh */ "--expect=${edit-key},${exec-key}" /* sh */ "$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS" /* sh */ "+m" ]}" \ ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf ) if test -n "$result"; then shopt -s extglob key=''${result%%$'\n'*} line=''${result##*([^0-9])} index=''${line%%[^0-9]*} command=''${line##*([0-9 ])} echo "$command${mark-prefix}$key" else # Ensure no empty new line gets produced when fzf was aborted. echo '${edit-mark}' fi ) __fzf_rebind_finish_keyseq__() { local suffix= case $READLINE_LINE in *'${edit-mark}') suffix='${edit-mark}' bind '"${finish-keyseq}": ${edit-command}' ;; *'${exec-mark}') suffix='${exec-mark}' bind '"${finish-keyseq}": ${exec-command}' ;; esac READLINE_LINE=${"\${READLINE_LINE:0:-\${#suffix}}"} } bind -x '"${rebind-keyseq}": __fzf_rebind_finish_keyseq__' bind '"\C-r": reverse-search-history' bind '"${start-keyseq}": " \C-e\C-u\C-y\ey\C-u`__fzf_history__`\e\C-e\er\e^${rebind-keyseq}${finish-keyseq}"' echo '# fzf key bindings loaded:' >&2 bind -s | ${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/grep __fzf_ >&2 ''; in script // rec { bind = /* sh */ ''bind -x '"${load-keyseq}": . ${script}' ''; }