{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , meson , ninja , mbedtls }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "ps3netsrv"; version = "20220813"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "aldostools"; repo = "webMAN-MOD"; rev = "5301277a0eb2275c73d7c82af9cb9e9ec34369e4"; hash = "sha256-hgQSqRKFomHgOr1ejfKoR/Sywa3AjbinmAAgscVYs44="; }; postUnpack = "pwd; ls -alhtr; ls -alhtr source"; #dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; nativeBuildInputs = [ mbedtls meson ninja ]; buildInputs = [ mbedtls ]; sourceRoot = "./source/_Projects_/ps3netsrv"; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/aldostools/webMAN-MOD/wiki/~-PS3-NET-Server"; description = "a server application used to stream content from a remote server to the PS3"; maintainers = [ maintainers.makefu ]; platforms = platforms.unix; license = licenses.mit; }; }