{ stdenv, bundlerEnv, ruby, fetchFromGitHub, nodejs }: # nix-shell --command "bundler install && bundix" in the clone, copy gemset.nix, Gemfile and Gemfile.lock let gems = bundlerEnv { name = "beef-env"; inherit ruby; gemdir = ./.; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "beef-2018-09-21"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "beefproject"; repo = "beef"; rev = "d237c95"; sha256 = "1mykbjwjcbd2a18wycaf35hi3b9rmvqz1jnk2v55sd4c39f0jpf2"; }; prePatch = '' ls -alhtr ''; patches = [ ./db-in-homedir.patch ]; buildInputs = [gems ruby]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/{bin,share/beef} cp -r * $out/share/beef # set the default db path, unfortunately setting to /tmp does not seem to work # sed -i 's#db_file: .*#db_file: "/tmp/beef.db"#' $out/share/beef/config.yaml bin=$out/bin/beef cat > $bin <