{ pkgs, ... }: { users.users.makefu.packages = with pkgs;[ (python3.withPackages(ps: [ ps.python-language-server # the following plugins are optional, they provide type checking, import sorting and code formatting ps.pyls-mypy ps.pyls-isort ps.pyls-black ps.virtualenv ps.pyserial ps.virtualenv ])) # embedded picocom gi flashrom mosquitto nodemcu-uploader esptool # nix related nix-index nix-review brain whatsupnix nixpkgs-pytools hydra-check # git-related git-preview tig (pkgs.callPackage ./init-host {}) # used more than once imagemagick qrencode exiftool cac-api cac-panel krebszones ovh-zone gen-oath-safe cdrtools # network related sshuttle pciutils navi ]; }