{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: # Ideas: ## wake-on-lan server ## let upkgs = (import {}).pkgs; hlib = (import ./lib); prefix = hlib.prefix; tasmota = hlib.tasmota; firetv_stick = ""; hassdir = "/var/lib/hass"; zigbee = import ./multi/zigbee2mqtt.nix; #flurlicht = import ./multi/flurlicht.nix; kurzzeitwecker = import ./multi/kurzzeitwecker.nix; firetv_restart = import ./multi/firetv_restart.nix; the_playlist = import ./multi/the_playlist.nix; # switch # automation # binary_sensor # sensor # input_select # timer in { imports = [ ./mqtt.nix ]; services.home-assistant = { package = (upkgs.home-assistant.overrideAttrs (old: { })).override { extraPackages = ps: with ps; [ python-forecastio jsonrpc-async jsonrpc-websocket mpd2 pkgs.picotts (ps.callPackage ./androidtv {}) ]; }; config = { input_select = zigbee.input_select; # dict timer = zigbee.timer // kurzzeitwecker.timer; # dict homeassistant = { name = "Home"; time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"; latitude = "48.7687"; longitude = "9.2478"; elevation = 247; }; discovery = {}; conversation = {}; history = {}; logbook = {}; logger = { default = "info"; }; tts = [ { platform = "google_translate"; language = "de"; time_memory = 57600; service_name = "google_say"; } ]; telegram_bot = [ # secrets file: { # "platform": "broadcast", # "api_key": "", # talk to Botfather /newbot # "allowed_chat_ids": [ ID ] # curl -X GET # https://api.telegram.org/bot/getUpdates #} (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile )) ]; notify = [ { platform = "kodi"; name = "wohnzimmer"; host = firetv_stick; } { platform = "telegram"; name = "telegrambot"; chat_id = builtins.elemAt (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile )).allowed_chat_ids 0; } ]; sun.elevation = 247; recorder = {}; media_player = [ { platform = "FireTV Stick kodi"; host = firetv_stick; } { platform = "androidtv"; name = "FireTV Stick"; device_class = "firetv"; # adb_server_ip = firetv_stick; host = firetv_stick; port = 5555; } ]; mqtt = { broker = "localhost"; discovery = true; #enable esphome discovery discovery_prefix = "homeassistant"; port = 1883; client_id = "home-assistant"; username = "hass"; password = lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile ); keepalive = 60; protocol = 3.1; birth_message = { topic = "${prefix}/hass/tele/LWT"; payload = "Online"; qos = 1; retain = true; }; will_message = { topic = "${prefix}/hass/tele/LWT"; payload = "Offline"; qos = 1; retain = true; }; }; luftdaten = { show_on_map = true; sensor_id = 679; sensors.monitored_conditions = [ "P1" "P2" ]; }; #binary_sensor = # flurlicht.binary_sensor; sensor = [ { platform = "speedtest"; monitored_conditions = [ "ping" "download" "upload" ]; } # https://www.home-assistant.io/cookbook/automation_for_rainy_days/ ] ++ ((import ./sensor/outside.nix) {inherit lib;}) ++ the_playlist.sensor ++ zigbee.sensor ; frontend = { }; # light = flurlicht.light; http = { }; switch = []; automation = [] ++ (import ./automation/firetv_restart.nix) ++ kurzzeitwecker.automation #++ flurlicht.automation ++ zigbee.automation; script = { } // kurzzeitwecker.script; # dict }; enable = true; configDir = hassdir; }; }