lib: with lib; let { body = netname: subnetname: suffixSpec: rec { address = let suffix' = if hasEmptyGroup (parseAddress suffix) then suffix else joinAddress "::" suffix; in checkAddress addressLength (joinAddress subnetPrefix suffix'); addressCIDR = "${address}/${toString addressLength}"; addressLength = 128; inherit netname; netCIDR = "${netAddress}/${toString netPrefixLength}"; netAddress = joinAddress netPrefix "::"; netHash = toString { retiolum = 0; wirelum = 1; }.${netname}; netPrefix = "42:${netHash}"; netPrefixLength = { retiolum = 32; wirelum = 32; }.${netname}; inherit subnetname; subnetCIDR = "${subnetAddress}/${toString subnetPrefixLength}"; subnetAddress = joinAddress subnetPrefix "::"; subnetHash = simplify (hash 4 subnetname); subnetPrefix = joinAddress netPrefix subnetHash; subnetPrefixLength = netPrefixLength + 16; suffix = getAttr (typeOf suffixSpec) { set = concatMapStringsSep ":" simplify (stringToGroupsOf 4 (hash (suffixLength / 8) suffixSpec.hostName)); string = suffixSpec; }; suffixLength = addressLength - subnetPrefixLength; }; # Split string into list of chunks where each chunk is at most n chars long. # The leftmost chunk might shorter. # Example: stringToGroupsOf "123456" -> ["12" "3456"] stringToGroupsOf = n: s: let acc = foldl' (acc: c: if stringLength acc.chunk < n then { chunk = acc.chunk + c; chunks = acc.chunks; } else { chunk = c; chunks = acc.chunks ++ [acc.chunk]; }) { chunk = ""; chunks = []; } (stringToCharacters s); in filter (x: x != []) ([acc.chunk] ++ acc.chunks); simplify = s: head (match "0*(.+)" s); hash = n: s: substring 0 n (hashString "sha256" s); dropLast = n: xs: reverseList (drop n (reverseList xs)); takeLast = n: xs: reverseList (take n (reverseList xs)); hasEmptyPrefix = xs: take 2 xs == ["" ""]; hasEmptySuffix = xs: takeLast 2 xs == ["" ""]; hasEmptyInfix = xs: any (x: x == "") (trimEmpty 2 xs); hasEmptyGroup = xs: any (p: p xs) [hasEmptyPrefix hasEmptyInfix hasEmptySuffix]; ltrimEmpty = n: xs: if hasEmptyPrefix xs then drop n xs else xs; rtrimEmpty = n: xs: if hasEmptySuffix xs then dropLast n xs else xs; trimEmpty = n: xs: rtrimEmpty n (ltrimEmpty n xs); parseAddress = splitString ":"; formatAddress = concatStringsSep ":"; check = s: c: if !c then throw "${s}" else true; checkAddress = maxaddrlen: addr: let parsedaddr = parseAddress addr; normalizedaddr = trimEmpty 1 parsedaddr; in assert (check "address malformed; lone leading colon: ${addr}" ( head parsedaddr == "" -> tail (take 2 parsedaddr) == "" )); assert (check "address malformed; lone trailing colon ${addr}" ( last parsedaddr == "" -> head (takeLast 2 parsedaddr) == "" )); assert (check "address malformed; too many successive colons: ${addr}" ( length (filter (x: x == "") normalizedaddr) > 1 -> addr == [""] )); assert (check "address malformed: ${addr}" ( all (test "[0-9a-f]{0,4}") parsedaddr )); assert (check "address is too long: ${addr}" ( length normalizedaddr * 16 <= maxaddrlen )); addr; joinAddress = prefix: suffix: let parsedPrefix = parseAddress prefix; parsedSuffix = parseAddress suffix; normalizePrefix = rtrimEmpty 2 parsedPrefix; normalizeSuffix = ltrimEmpty 2 parsedSuffix; delimiter = optional (length (normalizePrefix ++ normalizeSuffix) < 8 && (hasEmptySuffix parsedPrefix || hasEmptyPrefix parsedSuffix)) ""; in formatAddress (normalizePrefix ++ delimiter ++ normalizeSuffix); }