{ lib, ... }: with lib; with builtins; let out = genid; # id = genid s = (hash s + min) % max # min <= genid s < max # # min = 2^24 = 16777216 = 0x001000000 # max = 2^32 = 4294967296 = 0x100000000 # # id is bigger than UID of nobody and GID of nogroup # see and some spare for stuff like lxd. # # :: str -> uint32 genid = s: sum16 (addmod16_16777216 (hash s)); # :: str -> list8 uint4 hash = s: map hexint (stringToCharacters (substring 32 8 (hashString "sha1" s))); # :: list uint -> uint sum16 = foldl (a: i: a * 16 + i) 0; # :: list8 uint4 -> list1 uint8 ++ list6 uint4 addmod16_16777216 = x: let a = 16 * head x + head (tail x); d = tail (tail x); in [(mod (a + 1) 256)] ++ d; # :: char -> uint4 hexint = x: hexvals.${toLower x}; # :: attrset char uint4 hexvals = listToAttrs (imap (i: c: { name = c; value = i - 1; }) (stringToCharacters "0123456789abcdef")); in out