{ nsxiv, writers }: writers.writeDashBin "sxiv" '' set -efu tmpfile="''${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/nsxiv_pipe_$$" trap 'rm -f -- $tmpfile' EXIT if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then if [ -t 0 ]; then echo "sxiv: No arguments provided" >&2; exit 1 else # Consume stdin and put it in the temporal file cat > "$tmpfile" fi fi for arg in "$@"; do # if it's a pipe then drain it to $tmpfile [ -p "$arg" ] && cat "$arg" > "$tmpfile" done if [ -s "$tmpfile" ]; then ${nsxiv}/bin/nsxiv -q "$@" "$tmpfile" # -q to silence warnings else ${nsxiv}/bin/nsxiv "$@" # fallback fi ''