{ pkgs, lib, vgname ? "vgname", luksmap ? "luksmap", ... }: with lib; pkgs.writeScript "init" '' #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i bash -p jq parted libxfs set -efu disk=$1 if mount | grep -q "$disk"; then echo "target device is already mounted, bailout" exit 2 fi luksdev="$disk"3 luksmap=/dev/mapper/${luksmap} vgname=${vgname} bootdev=/dev/sda2 rootdev=/dev/mapper/${vgname}-root homedev=/dev/mapper/${vgname}-home read -p "LUKS Password: " lukspw # # partitioning # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table # undo: # dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=34 of=/dev/sda # TODO zero last 34 blocks (lsblk -bno SIZE /dev/sda) if ! test "$(blkid -o value -s PTTYPE "$disk")" = gpt; then parted -s -a optimal "$disk" \ mklabel gpt \ mkpart no-fs 0 1024KiB \ set 1 bios_grub on \ mkpart ESP fat32 1025KiB 1024MiB set 2 boot on \ mkpart primary 1025MiB 100% fi if ! test "$(blkid -o value -s PARTLABEL "$luksdev")" = primary; then echo zonk2 exit 23 fi if ! cryptsetup isLuks "$luksdev"; then # aes xts-plain64 echo -n "$lukspw" | cryptsetup luksFormat "$luksdev" - \ -h sha512 \ --iter-time 5000 fi if ! test -e "$luksmap"; then echo "$lukspw" | cryptsetup luksOpen "$luksdev" "$(basename "$luksmap")" - fi # cryptsetup close if ! test "$(blkid -o value -s TYPE "$luksmap")" = LVM2_member; then pvcreate "$luksmap" fi if ! vgdisplay -s "$vgname"; then vgcreate "$vgname" "$luksmap"; fi lvchange -a y /dev/mapper/"$vgname" if ! test -e "$rootdev"; then lvcreate -L 7G -n root "$vgname"; fi if ! test -e "$homedev"; then lvcreate -L 100M -n home "$vgname"; fi # lvchange -a n "$vgname" # # formatting # if ! test "$(blkid -o value -s TYPE "$bootdev")" = vfat; then mkfs.vfat "$bootdev" fi if ! test "$(blkid -o value -s TYPE "$rootdev")" = btrfs; then mkfs.xfs "$rootdev" fi if ! test "$(blkid -o value -s TYPE "$homedev")" = btrfs; then mkfs.xfs "$homedev" fi if ! test "$(lsblk -n -o MOUNTPOINT "$rootdev")" = /mnt; then mount "$rootdev" /mnt fi if ! test "$(lsblk -n -o MOUNTPOINT "$bootdev")" = /mnt/boot; then mkdir -m 0000 -p /mnt/boot mount "$bootdev" /mnt/boot fi if ! test "$(lsblk -n -o MOUNTPOINT "$homedev")" = /mnt/home; then mkdir -m 0000 -p /mnt/home mount "$homedev" /mnt/home fi # umount -R /mnt # # dependencies for stockholm # nix-env -iA nixos.git # TODO: get sentinal file from target_path mkdir -p /mnt/var/src touch /mnt/var/src/.populate # # print all the infos # parted "$disk" print lsblk "$disk" echo READY. ''