{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with builtins; with lib; let cfg = config.lass.go; out = { options.lass.go = api; config = mkIf cfg.enable imp; }; api = { enable = mkEnableOption "Enable go url shortener"; port = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "1337"; description = "on which port go should run on"; }; redisKeyPrefix = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "go:"; description = "change the Redis key prefix which defaults to `go:`"; }; }; imp = { users.extraUsers.go = { name = "go"; uid = 42774411; #genid go description = "go url shortener user"; home = "/var/lib/go"; createHome = true; }; systemd.services.go = { description = "go url shortener"; after = [ "network.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; path = with pkgs; [ go ]; environment = { PORT = cfg.port; REDIS_KEY_PREFIX = cfg.redisKeyPrefix; }; restartIfChanged = true; serviceConfig = { User = "go"; Restart = "always"; ExecStart = "${pkgs.go}/bin/go"; }; }; }; in out