{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let download_subs = pkgs.writers.writePython3 "download_sub" { libraries = [ pkgs.python3Packages.subliminal ]; } '' from subliminal import download_best_subtitles, scan_video from babelfish import Language import sys video_filename = sys.argv[1] vid = scan_video(video_filename) try: sub = download_best_subtitles([vid], {Language('eng')})[vid][0] filename = '/tmp/' + vid.title + '.srt' with open(filename, 'wb+') as file: file.write(sub.content) print(filename) except: # noqa print("/dev/null") ''; autosub = pkgs.writeText "autosub.lua" '' -- Requires Subliminal version 1.0 or newer -- Make sure to specify your system's Subliminal location below: local utils = require 'mp.utils' -- Log function: log to both terminal and mpv OSD (On-Screen Display) function log(string, secs) secs = secs or 2 -- secs defaults to 2 when the secs parameter is absent mp.msg.warn(string) -- This logs to the terminal mp.osd_message(string, secs) -- This logs to mpv screen end function download() log('Searching subtitles ...', 10) table = { args = {"${download_subs}", mp.get_property('path')} } result = utils.subprocess(table) if result.error == nil then -- remove trailing newline from subtitle filename filename = string.gsub(result.stdout, "\n", "") log(filename) mp.commandv('sub_add', filename) log('Subtitles ready!') else log('Subtitles failed downloading') end end -- Control function: only download if necessary function control_download() duration = tonumber(mp.get_property('duration')) if duration < 900 then mp.msg.warn('Video is less than 15 minutes\n', '=> NOT downloading any subtitles') return end -- There does not seem to be any documentation for the 'sub' property, -- but it works on both internally encoded as well as external subtitle files! -- -> sub = '1' when subtitles are present -- -> sub = 'no' when subtitles are not present -- -> sub = 'auto' when called before the 'file-loaded' event is triggered sub = mp.get_property('sub') if sub == '1' then mp.msg.warn('Sub track is already present\n', '=> NOT downloading other subtitles') return end mp.msg.warn('No sub track was detected\n', '=> Proceeding to download subtitles:') download() end mp.add_key_binding('S', "download_subs", download) ''; mpvInput = pkgs.writeText "mpv.input" '' : script-binding console/enable ''; mpvConfig = pkgs.writeText "mpv.conf" '' ''; mpv = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "mpv"; paths = [ (pkgs.writeDashBin "mpv" '' # we need to disable sponsorblock local database because of # https://github.com/po5/mpv_sponsorblock/issues/31 exec ${pkgs.mpv.override { scripts = [ pkgs.mpvScripts.sponsorblock ]; }}/bin/mpv \ -vo=gpu \ --no-config \ --input-conf=${mpvInput} \ --include=${mpvConfig} \ --script=${autosub} \ --script-opts=ytdl_hook-ytdl_path=${pkgs.yt-dlp}/bin/yt-dlp \ --script-opts-append=sponsorblock-local_database=no \ "$@" '') pkgs.mpv ]; }; in { environment.systemPackages = [ mpv ]; }