{ pkgs, stockholm, ... }@args: with stockholm.lib; let # config cannot be declared in the input attribute set because that would # cause callPackage to inject the wrong config. Instead, get it from ... # via args. config = args.config or {}; in pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "flameshot-once-wrapper"; paths = [ (pkgs.writeDashBin "flameshot-once" '' export PATH=${makeBinPath [ pkgs.flameshot pkgs.qt5.qtbase pkgs.xclip pkgs.xwaitforwindow ]} ${optionalString (config != null) /* sh */ '' . ${import ./profile.nix { inherit config pkgs; }} ''} exec ${pkgs.haskellPackages.flameshot-once}/bin/flameshot-once "$@" '') pkgs.haskellPackages.flameshot-once ]; }