#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Usage: # _from=krebs state_dir=. python sed-plugin.py 'dick butt' # _from=krebs state_dir=. python sed-plugin.py 's/t/l/g' # > dick bull import shelve from os import environ from os.path import join from sys import argv from time import sleep import re # try to open the shelve file until it succeeds while True: try: d = shelve.open( join(environ['state_dir'], 'sed-plugin.shelve'), writeback=True ) break except: # noqa: E722 sleep(0.2) usr = environ['_from'] def is_regex(line): myre = re.compile(r'^s/(?:\\/|[^/])+/(?:\\/|[^/])*/[ig]?$') return myre.match(line) line = argv[1] if is_regex(line): last = d.get(usr, None) if last: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE p = Popen(['sed', line], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) so, se = p.communicate(bytes("{}\n".format(last), "UTF-8")) if p.returncode: print("something went wrong when trying to process your regex: {}".format(line.strip())) ret = so.decode() if len(ret) > 512: print('message to long, skipped') elif len(ret.split('\n')) > 5: print('to many lines, skipped') else: if last.strip() != ret.strip(): print("\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m meant: {}".format(usr, ret.strip())) if ret: d[usr] = ret else: print("no last message") else: d[usr] = line d.close()