import base64 import cgi import json import os import re import socket import ssl import sys from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from urllib.parse import urlparse DEBUG = os.environ.get("DEBUG") is not None def _irc_send( server: str, nick: str, channel: str, sasl_password: Optional[str] = None, server_password: Optional[str] = None, tls: bool = True, port: int = 6697, messages: List[str] = [], ) -> None: if not messages: return sock = socket.socket() if tls: sock = ssl.wrap_socket( sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 ) def _send(command: str) -> int: if DEBUG: print(command) return sock.send((f"{command}\r\n").encode()) def _pong(ping: str): if ping.startswith("PING"): sock.send(ping.replace("PING", "PONG").encode("ascii")) recv_file = sock.makefile(mode="r") print(f"connect {server}:{port}") sock.connect((server, port)) if server_password: _send(f"PASS {server_password}") _send(f"USER {nick} 0 * :{nick}") _send(f"NICK {nick}") for line in recv_file.readline(): if re.match(r"^:[^ ]* (MODE|221|376|422) ", line): break else: _pong(line) if sasl_password: _send("CAP REQ :sasl") _send("AUTHENTICATE PLAIN") auth = base64.encodebytes(f"{nick}\0{nick}\0{sasl_password}".encode("utf-8")) _send(f"AUTHENTICATE {auth.decode('ascii')}") _send("CAP END") _send(f"JOIN :{channel}") for m in messages: _send(f"PRIVMSG {channel} :{m}") _send("INFO") for line in recv_file: if DEBUG: print(line, end="") # Assume INFO reply means we are done if "End of /INFO" in line: break else: _pong(line) sock.send(b"QUIT") print("disconnect") sock.close() def irc_send( url: str, notifications: List[str], password: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: parsed = urlparse(f"{url}") username = parsed.username or "prometheus" server = parsed.hostname or "" if parsed.fragment != "": channel = f"#{parsed.fragment}" else: channel = "#krebs-announce" port = parsed.port or 6697 if not password: password = parsed.password if len(notifications) == 0: return _irc_send( server=server, nick=username, sasl_password=password, channel=channel, port=port, messages=notifications, tls=parsed.scheme == "irc+tls", ) class PrometheusWebHook(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__( self, irc_url: str, conn: socket.socket, addr: Tuple[str, int], password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.irc_url = irc_url self.password = password self.rfile = conn.makefile("rb") self.wfile = conn.makefile("wb") self.client_address = addr self.handle() # for testing def do_GET(self) -> None: if DEBUG: print("GET: Request Received") self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b"ok") def do_POST(self) -> None: if DEBUG: print("POST: Request Received") content_type, _ = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.get("content-type")) # refuse to receive non-json content if content_type != "application/json": if DEBUG: print(f"POST: wrong content type {content_type}") self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() return length = int(self.headers.get("content-length")) payload = json.loads( messages = [] for alert in payload["alerts"]: description = alert["annotations"]["description"] messages.append(f"{alert['status']}: {description}") irc_send(self.irc_url, messages, password=self.password) self.do_GET() def systemd_socket_response() -> None: irc_url = os.environ.get("IRC_URL", None) if irc_url is None: print( "IRC_URL environment variable not set: i.e. IRC_URL=irc+tls://", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) password = None irc_password_file = os.environ.get("IRC_PASSWORD_FILE", None) if irc_password_file: with open(irc_password_file) as f: password = msgs = sys.argv[1:] if msgs != []: irc_send(irc_url, msgs, password=password) return nfds = os.environ.get("LISTEN_FDS", None) if nfds is None: print( "LISTEN_FDS not set. Run me with systemd(TM) socket activation?", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) fds = range(3, 3 + int(nfds)) for fd in fds: sock = socket.fromfd(fd, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(0) try: while True: PrometheusWebHook(irc_url, *sock.accept(), password=password) except BlockingIOError: # no more connections pass if __name__ == "__main__": if DEBUG: print("Starting in DEBUG mode") if len(sys.argv) == 3: print(f"{sys.argv[1]} {sys.argv[2]}") irc_send(sys.argv[1], [sys.argv[2]]) else: systemd_socket_response()