# Welcome to the top-level default.nix of stockholm. # # You can discover the whole thing easily using the `get` utility, # which can be found at http://cgit.cd.krebsco.de/get/tree/get # To install `get` on any Nix-enabled system, use: # # nix-env -f /path/to/stockholm -iA pkgs.get # # The "current" arguments are used to provide information about the user who's # evaluating this file. This information is used to determine which user # namespace is to be used. Of course there's nothing trying to prevent you # from forging this information. E.g. you could try to generate the deployment # script for some random user's system, targeting some random host: # # LOGNAME=tv get krebs.deploy system=nomic target= # { current-date ? abort "current-date not defined" , current-host-name ? abort "current-host-name not defined" , current-user-name ? builtins.getEnv "LOGNAME" }@current: let stockholm = { # The generated scripts to deploy (or infest) systems can be found in the # `krebs` attribute. There's also an init script, but it's in its early # stages, not well integrated and mostly useless at the moment. :) # # You'll also find lib here, which is nixpkgs/lib + krebs lib, but nobody # is really accessing this directly, as this lib gets reexported below. inherit krebs; # All systems of all users can be found here. # # /!\ Please note that `get users.${user-name}.${host-name}.system` is a # bad idea because it will produce vast amounts of output. These are the # actual and complete system derivations that can be installed on the # respective host. # # Another thing to notice here is that other user's systems might not be # evaluable because of missing secrets. If you _are_ able to evaluate # another user's system, then you probably share a similar naming scheme # for your secret files! :) inherit users; # Additionally, output lib and pkgs for easy access from the shell. # Notice how we're evaluating just the base module to obtain pkgs. inherit lib; inherit (eval {}) pkgs; }; krebs = import ./krebs (current // { inherit lib stockholm; }); lib = let lib = import ; klib = import ./krebs/4lib { inherit lib; }; #ulib = import (./. + "/${current-user-name}/4lib") { lib = lib // klib; }; ulib = {}; # TODO in builtins // lib // klib // ulib // rec { # TODO move this stuff stockholm-path = ./.; nspath = ns: p: stockholm-path + "/${ns}/${p}"; }; # Path resolvers for common and individual files. # Example: `upath "3modules"` produces the current user's 3modules directory kpath = lib.nspath "krebs"; upath = lib.nspath current-user-name; # This is the base module. Its purpose is to provide modules and # packages, both common ones, found in krebs/ as well as the current user's, # found in the user's namespace. base-module = { imports = map (f: f "3modules") [ kpath upath ]; nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: let # Notice the ordering. Krebs packages can only depend on Nixpkgs, # whereas user packages additionally can depend on krebs packages. kpkgs = import (kpath "5pkgs") { inherit lib pkgs; }; upkgs = import (upath "5pkgs") { inherit lib; pkgs = pkgs // kpkgs; }; in kpkgs // upkgs; }; # The above base module is used together with a NixOS configuration to # produce a system. Notice how stockholm really just provides additional # packages and modules on top of NixOS. Some of this stuff might become # useful to a broader audience, at which point it should probably be merged # and pull-requested for inclusion into NixOS/nixpkgs. eval = config: import { specialArgs = { inherit lib; }; modules = [ base-module config ]; }; # Any top-level directory other than krebs/ is considered to be a user # namespace, configuring a bunch of systems. # Have a look at the definition of install in krebs/default.nix to see how # nix-env is using this attribute set to obtain the system to be installed. # TODO move user namespaces' to users/, so no exception for krebs/ is needed users = lib.mapAttrs (name: _: eval-all-systems (lib.nspath name "1systems")) (lib.filterAttrs (n: t: !lib.hasPrefix "." n && t == "directory" && n != "krebs") (builtins.readDir ./.)); # Given a path to a user namespace, provide an attribute of evaluated # system configurations, keyed by system names (AKA host names). eval-all-systems = path: lib.mapAttrs' (n: _: (lib.nameValuePair (lib.removeSuffix ".nix" n) (eval-system (path + "/${n}")))) (builtins.readDir path); eval-system = path: rec { inherit (eval path) config options; system = config.system.build.toplevel; }; in stockholm